

Special items:

Ars Diavoli - Pro Nihilo Esse (black polycarbonate CD) 15€

Urfaust - Drei Rituale jenseits des Kosmos (black polycarbonate CD) 26€


Acceptus Noctifer - Amores de ofício 9€

Alice in Chains - MTV Unplugged 5€
Anathema - Alternative 4 [+ Bonus Tracks] 12€
Antaeus - Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan [Digipak, limited edition] 10€
Arcana Coelestia - Ubi Secreta Colunt 10€
Arkha Sva - Gloria Satanae 10€
Arkha Sva - Mikama Isaro Mada 10€
Ars Diavoli - Clausura 10€
Ars Diavoli - Pro Nihilo Esse - black polycarbonate CD 15€
Ars Diavoli / Irae / Penitência / Thy Black Black - Throne Of Disease 9€
Aska - Där Vanvett Gror 10€


Bauhaus - Crackle - Best of Bauhaus 10€

Belkètre - Ambre Zuèrkl Vuorhdrévarvtre 12€ - 2002 edition
Bethlehem - Dark Metal 12€
Bethlehem - Sardonischer Untergang Im Zeichen Irreligiöser Darbietung 12€
Bethlehem - Schatten Aus der Alexander Welt [2 CD] 12€
Black Sabbath - Live Evil 9€
Blut aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God 10€
Blut aus Nord - Thematic Emanation of Archetypal Multiplicity 10€
Bosque / Senthil - Under the Capricorn Sky - Premeditation 9€


Celestia - Apparitia - Sumptuous Spectre [Digibook] 12€

Celestia - Dead Insekta Sequestration 10€
Celestia - Frigidiis Apotheosia - Abstinencia Genesiis 10€
Cradle of Filth - Dusk and Her Embrace 9€
Cradle of Filth - From the Cradle to Enslave 5€
Cradle of Filth - Midian 9€
Cradle of Filth - The Principle of Evil Made Flesh 10€
Cradle of Filth - Vempire or Dark Fairytales in Phallustein 10€
Cripta Oculta - Ecos dos Dólmens Esquecidos 10€
Cripta Oculta - Sangue do Novo Amanhecer 10€


Dark Funeral - Vobiscum Satanas 9€

Darvulia - L`Ombre Malicieuse 8€
Decayed/Alastor - A Sacrifice to Darkness - 7€
Dead Combo - Vol. 1 9€
Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum 12€
Deathspell Omega - Kénôse 12€
Deathspell Omega - Manifestations 2000 - 2001 12€
Deathspell Omega - Manifestations 2002 12€
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice 12€
Défaillance - Contemplation Misanthropique de l´Humanité 9€
Defuntos - A Negra Vastidão das Nossas Almas 10€
Defuntos - Luto Perpétuo 10€
Defuntos - Sangue Morto 10€
Defuntos - Velha Pálida Face 10€
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia 10€
Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions [Digipak, Limited edition] 12€
Dodheimsgard - Kronet Til Konge 11€
Dolentia - Iniciação Eversiva 9€
Dolentia - Sob a Égide das Sombras 9€
Dolentia / Tumulum - Da Terra Que Comungamos 9€
Dornenreich - Durch Den Traum 10€
Dornenreich - Her Von Welken Nächten 10€
Dornenreich - Hexenwind 10€
Drudkh - Estrangement 10€


Emperor - Emperial Live Ceremony 9€

Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse [with Bonus Tracks] 9€
Enthroned - Armoured Bestial Hell 7€


Fen - Ancient Sorrow 5€

Flagellum Dei - Victory of Tyranny 8€
Forgotten Tomb - ...And Do Not Deliver Us From Evil 10€
Forgotten Woods / Joyless - As The Wolves Gather / The Curse Of Mankind / Sjel Av Natten - Unlimited Hate [3 CD box] 18€
Forgotten Woods - Forgotten Woods demo' 93 - Through the Woods demo II '93 10€
Forgotten Woods - Race of Cain 10€
Funeralium - Funeralium 10€


Gestapo 666 - Nostalgiah 10€

Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell 11€


Hakuja - Legacy 11€

Hanged Ghost - Knowledge of the Occult 9€
Horna ‎– Hiidentorni/Kohti Yhdeksän Nousua/Perimä Vihassa Ja Verikostossa/Ordo Regnum Sathanas 7€ 
Horna - Pimeyden Hehku 10€
Hypothermia - Köld 12€
Hypothermia - Rakbladsvalsen 12€
Hypothermia - Veins 12€


Immortal - Pure Holocaust 10€

Infernal Dreams - ...And I Dream 10€
Infernum - Farewell 12€ - limited edition to 1000 - year 2005
Inthyflesh - Claustrophobia 9€
Inverno Eterno - s/t 10€ [selado]
Irae - Hellnation 9€
Isolation - Striding on the Path of Nihil 8€
IXXI - Assorted Armament 9€


Joyless - Wisdom and Arrogance 10€

Judas Iscariot - Dethroned, Conquered and Forgotten 10€
Judas Iscariot - Distant in Solitary Night 10€
Judas Iscariot - The Cold Earth Slept Below 10€
Judas Iscariot - To Embrace the Corpses Bleeding 10€


Katharsis - World Without End 10€

Krieg - Blue Miasma 9€
Kyla - Glory of Negativity 8€


Lik - Må Ljuset Aldrig Nå Oss Mer 10€

Lusitania Dark Horde II - Hymns for the coming Armageddon 9€
Lux Ferre - Atra Materiae Monumentum 9€
Lux Ferre - Excaecatio Lux Veritatis 9€
Lvpercalia - The Sublimation Of Darkness 10€
Lyrinx - Nihilistic Purity 8€
Lythany / - Vulto Ritual de Privação 9€


Make A Change... Kill Yourself - Make A Change... Kill Yourself 10€

Make A Change... Kill Yourself - II 10€
Marduk - Infernal Eternal [2 CD] 12€
Marilyn Manson - Antichrist Svperstar 9€
Marilyn Manson - Dope Show [single] 3€
Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals 9€
Marilyn Manson - Portrait of an American Family 9€
Marilyn Manson - Smells Like Children 8€
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig 10€
Moonblood - Sob A Lua Do Bode 10€
Moonspell - The Antidote 10€
Moonspell - Wolfheart 10€
Morte Incandescente - ...relembrando um túmulo esquecido 10€
Morte Incandescente - ...Your Funeral 10€
Morte Incandescente - Coffin Desecrators 10€
Morte Incandescente - Ultimatum 10€
Mortifera - Complainte d'une Agonie Celeste 10€
Mortifera - Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera 11€
Mortualia - Mortualia 10€
Mütiilation - Hail Satanas We Are The Black Legions 11€
Mütiilation - Sorrow Galaxies 11€
Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood 11€


Nargaroth - Amarok 10€

Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg (A Dedication Monument) 10€
Nargaroth - Geliebte Des Regens 12€
Nargaroth - Rasluka (Part I) 10€
Nargaroth - Rasluka (Part II) 10€
Necroplasma - Gospels of Antichristian Terror 10€
Nortt - Galgenfrist 10€
Nortt - Graven 10€
Nortt - Ligfærd 10€
Nuit Noire - Fantomatic Plenitude 11€
Nuit Noire - Infantile Espieglery 11€
Nyktalgia - Nyktalgia 9€


Omitir - Old Temple of Depression 7€

Ondskapt - Dödens Evangelium 9€


Peste Noire - La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénérescence 12€

Process of Guilt - Erosion 12€


Rotting Christ - A Dead Poem 10€


Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion 11€

Setherial - From the Ancient Ruins 10€
Setherial - Hell Eternal 10€
Shape of Despair - Shades Of... 10€
Shape of Despair - Shape of Despair 10€
Shining - IV - The Eerie Cold [A5 digipak] 12€
Shining - Within Deep Dark Chambers 12€
Silencer - Death, Pierce Me 12€
Sterbend - Dwelling Lifeless 10€
Stielas Storhett - Vandrer 9€
Striborg - Embittered Darkness - Isles de Morts 10€
Striborg - Ghostwoodlands 10€


Taake - Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmerik 10€

Torgeist - Devoted to Satan 11€
Torgeist - Time of Sabbath 11€
Trist (Cz) - Sebevrazedni andele 10€
Trist (Cz) - Zrcadleni Melancholie 10€ (reservado)
Twilight - Twilight 10€
Tymah - Loquitur Cum Alqo Sathanas 10€
Tymah - Transilvanian Dreams 10€


Urfaust - Drei Rituale jenseits des Kosmos (black polycarbonate CD) - 26€ 


Vrolok - Void (The Divine Abortion) 10€

Vlad Tepes - The Black Legions 10€
Vlad Tepes - War Funeral March 10€
Vlad Tepes / Belkètre - March to Black Holocaust 10€


Winterblut - Das Aas Aller Dinge 9€

Woods of Infinity - Hamptjärn 11€
Woods of Infinity - Hejdå 11€
Woods of Infinity - Ljuset 11€
Woodtemple - Hidden In Eternal Shadow 10€


Xasthur - Defective Epitaph 12€

Xasthur - Suicide In Dark Serenity 12€

Death Sigil Distro - CDs

Inverno Eterno (Por) - "S/T" (Bubonic) CD | 10€

  Totally recommended!

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